ARCHITACTICS is now displaying at USIP, Washington DC
ARCHITACTICS exhibit now on at USIP in Washington, DC Read more
ARCHITACTICS exhibit now on at USIP in Washington, DC Read more
The project, aspiring to study the anticipated future tourism industry in Jerusalem and its interface with the overall Israeli- Palestinian border regime, responds to the challenges of Jerusalem as the heart of the future states and a common border area simultaneously. The study aims, therefore, to extract a set of policies and recommendations regarding East and West Jerusalem which will enhance future touristic activity on both sides, maintaining their nature as a common holy place, and a unique, significant location on the global scale. Read more
This work analyzes the settlements in both their current and future context. Their potential role and re-use is evaluated accordingly, as they are addressed in various scales- national, regional, urban, and building scales. Read more
The annex to the Geneva Accords addresses the planning and design challenges that will arise from the delineation of a border through Jerusalem. It proposes planning, design, and urban strategy measures to ensure the political resolutions are implemented for the benefit of both sides of the city. Read more
The project provides a conceptual design for an Israeli-Palestinian crossing in Jerusalem, exploring and addressing the challenges an inner city division will raise. Read more
The project addresses the challenge of separating an open urban space and a historical valley under a permanent status agreement Read more
The project proposes a path, form and strategy for approaching separation in a dense mixed neighborhood in Jerusalem. Read more
This work is one in a series of projects utilize architectural methods for advancing conflict resolution of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The project explores the basic guides for integrating future border crossings around the Old City, around Jaffa and Dung Gates. Read more
The competition, initiated by MIT, called for proposals addressing the problems of conflicted Jerusalem by looking at them as challenges in urban design, rather than in the realms of policy making or international diplomacy. SAYA’s proposal was framework for solution, rather than one fixed plan. Read more
The Old City of Jerusalem is perhaps the most contentious issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and will certainly be a corner stone in any future solution of it. Its sovereignty, administration and control are questions of great dispute, and its holy sites resonate powerfully in the hearts and minds of Muslims, Jews and Christians around the world. Read more