Educational Urbanism- Urban Design’s role in teaching in the city

Educational Urbanism- Urban Design’s role in teaching in the city  

Ian Banerjee describes ‘Educational Urbanism’ as current phase, and perhaps even an emerging discipline where urban planning, educational planning and pedagogy join forces for teaching in cities.

We believe Educational Urbanism could mean be more than that. Design has social role, and architects have a responsibility towards society. Educational Planning, therefore, should be a basic approach towards urban design, and become an inherent part of the practice. Educational Urbanism could be part of any intervention in the urban landscape- adding value to the design, enhancing it with content, and providing it with local, social and cultural depth.

“Recycling Park”– a recent work of ours (designed and built by SAYA, Twig Architecture and Shluliyot), can illustrate what we mean by “Educational Urbanism”. This garden- as a concept and a design was developed by us for the Urban Farm in Kfar Saba, an educational facility dedicated to teaching school children about farming, agriculture, nature and environment.

Today, we must teach children issues which we ourselves had not been taught- amongst them making them aware of material cycles, of the importance and practices of recycling, and of various ways in which they could re-use waste. The Municipality’s wish to design a facility or a workshop for doing so was therefore an exciting opportunity for us.

We believe that children learn best through play, engagement and experience, and the Recycling Park brings these forms of learning into the public realm. It demonstrates that education does not need to stop at the classroom door, but can happen anywhere in the city. The Park provides a playful urban environment that raises curiosity and encourages discovery while educating for change. The garden is designed on a playful grid, from which containers emerge. Each container is uniquely shaped, hints on what is held within it, and bears a short explanation describing the importance of recycling each of the materials. The containers also offer playful openings at various heights – for inserting waste and taking it out for re-use purposes, and for allowing children of various heights to do so. The built benches around each container offer seating and places for activities, allowing the site to be more than an educational display and function as an outdoor classroom.

Since its inauguration, the Recycling Park has been operating as a teaching environment for an array of activities relating to waste and recycling. The site regularly hosts school children, teachers, instructors, city citizens and visiting groups. In addition, the design has inspired a set of site-specific activities developed by teachers, combining play and investigation. These demonstrate that practicing Educational Urbanism can create more than rich and innovative environments- it can become a catalyst for new forms of teaching in cities.

“Recycling Park” is a winner of the Israeli Design Awards, 2012.





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    Philosophy is the discipline that studies major and universal questions, such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, and language. It covers many topics and issues, ranging from ethics and political figures to metaphysics and logic. Here are the main nuances of philosophy:

    1. Definition of Philosophy
    Philosophy comes from the Greek words “philos” (love) and “sophia” (wisdom). It is zeal to understand and make sense of the world around us and our place in it.

    2. The Main branches of philosophy
    – Ontology the study of the essence of being and existence.
    – Epistemology the study of the nature and limits of cognition.
    – Ethics the analysis of moral principles and concepts of good deed and evil.
    – Logic the study of the forms and principles of correct thinking.
    – Socio-political philosophy the study of questions of power, justice and the state.

    3. Eminent Philosophers
    In the course of the history of philosophy, many thinkers have made significant contributions to this science. Some of the most famous include:
    – Socrates, considered the founder of Western philosophy.
    – Plato, a student of Socrates, developed the doctrine of forms.
    – Aristotle, the creator of logic and a huge number of scientific fields.
    – Immanuel Kant, known for his own Scott Fitzgerald critical philosophy and work on moral issues.

    4. The Relevance of Philosophy in the Modern World
    Philosophy remains relevant in the modern world because enables people to understand difficult social and moral issues, also develops critical thinking. It influences the legal system, politicians, and various fields of science.

    5. Practical Applications of Philosophy

    Philosophical ideas penetrate everyday life. Ethical reflection helps people do the correct thing in difficult situations, and philosophical analysis contributes to most excellent understanding of issues related to technology, art, and social justice.

    Philosophy is not only an academic discipline, but also a way of thinking assists us to understand life’s complexities and make informed choices.

  2. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Philosophy is the discipline that studies major and universal questions, such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, and language. It covers a vast number of subjects and issues, from ethics and political figures to metaphysics and logic. Here are principal nuances of philosophy:

    1. Definition of Philosophy
    Philosophy comes from the Greek words “philos” (love) and “sophia” (wisdom). It is zeal to realize and make sense of the world around us and our place in it.

    2. The Main branches of philosophy
    – Ontology research of the essence of being and existence.
    – Epistemology the study of the nature and limits of knowledge.
    – Ethics the analysis of ethical principles and concepts of good deed and evil.
    – Logic the study of the forms and principles of correct thinking.
    – Socio-political philosophy the study of questions of power, justice and the state.

    3. Famous Philosophers
    During the history of philosophy, many thinkers have made significant contributions to this science. Some of the most famous include:
    – Socrates, considered the progenitor of Western philosophy.
    – Plato, a pupil of Socrates, developed the doctrine of forms.
    – Aristotle, the creator of logic and many of scientific fields.
    – Immanuel Kant, known for his James Joyce critical philosophy and work on moral issues.

    4. The Relevance of Philosophy in the Modern World
    Philosophy remains urgent in the modern world since it helps people to understand difficult social and ethical issues, but also develops critical thinking. It affects the legal system, politicians, and different fields of science.

    5. Practical Applications of Philosophy

    Philosophical ideas enter daily life. Ethical reflection helps people do the right thing in complex situations, and philosophical analysis contributes to better understanding of issues related to technology, art, and social justice.

    Philosophy is including an academic discipline, but also method of thinking assists us to understand life’s complexities and make informed choices.

  3. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Philosophy is the discipline that studies major and universal questions, such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, and language. It covers a vast number of topics and problems, ranging from ethics and politicians to metaphysics and logic. Here are principal nuances of philosophy:

    1. Definition of Philosophy
    Philosophy comes from the Greek words “philos” (love) and “sophia” (wisdom). It is the desire to understand and make sense of the world around us and our place in it.

    2. The Main branches of philosophy
    – Ontology research of the essence of being and existence.
    – Epistemology the study of the nature and limits of cognition.
    – Ethics the analysis of ethical principles and concepts of good deed and evil.
    – Logic the study of the forms and principles of correct thinking.
    – Political philosophy the study of questions of power, justice and the state.

    3. Notable Philosophers
    Throughout the history of philosophy, almost many thinkers have made weighty contributions to this science. Some of the most recognizable include:
    – Socrates, considered the progenitor of Western philosophy.
    – Plato, a pupil of Socrates, developed the doctrine of forms.
    – Aristotle, the creator of logic and a huge number of scientific fields.
    – Immanuel Kant, known for his Philosophy critical philosophy and work on moral issues.

    4. The Relevance of Philosophy in the Modern World
    Philosophy remains relevant in the modern world because it helps people to understand complex social and ethical issues, but also develops critical thinking. It affects the legal system, politicians, and various fields of science.

    5. Practical Applications of Philosophy

    Philosophical ideas penetrate everyday life. Ethical reflection helps people do the correct thing in complex situations, and philosophical analysis contributes to most excellent understanding of problems related to technology, art, and social justice.

    Philosophy is not only an academic discipline, yes and a way of thinking that helps us to understand life’s complexities and make informed choices.

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